Berry News

  • What is
  • is an unsupervised, autohomously generated content aggregator which consolidates multiple news sources from different countries in differnet languanges into separate single views.
  • How is generated? 🖨
  • uses the latest python programming libraries for web scraping, process threading, queueing and job automation combined with bash scripting and cron jobs. All of these programming resources are merged adn mixed into multiple backend scripts used for generating the HTML sourge pages that you visit.
  • How expensive is the hardware used? 💸
  • is hosted on a lightweight DIY LAMP stack on top of a Raspberry PI 4. The overall cost of the hardware is less than 120€.
  • How much energy does it use? ⚡
  • Same as a 5.1W lightbulb💡, which is a tad more than an USB desk lamp.
  • Are there any financial considerations? 💰
  • is free of charge, free of ads and there are no financial gains from owning and maintaining this software. We, the people at feel that it is our duty to provide free and easy to uses access to information from all over the world.
  • Who owns the information presented on the site? 🙍
  • is simply a share media, same as a Facebook or Twitter share of a news article. We do not derrive any financial gains from these materials and all the rights and responsibilities for the content in the news articles are exclusively reserverd to their original owners.
  • What is the impact of on the source sites? 🎯
  • is a lightweight, minimum data usage and non invasive content aggregator. The resource consumption for a query/site are the same as for one user.
  • I don't want my site shown in What can I do? 🛑
  • We at are more than happy to cooperate and to comply with any such requests, and if you wish to do so please feel free to send us an email or get in contact by any means, such as LinkedIn or GitHub.
  • What is the reason behind 🧬
  • When living in another country but not limited to that, simply keeping up with the latest news is a time consuming task, everything happens so fast, it's a constant flow of information, always generated and never ending. I for one, strive to be as efficient as possible and always try to optimize my work and my personal time, so this is how Berry News was born 🌱, a lockdown project that keeps on growing 🌿.